In order to realize the market ramp-up of hydrogen envisaged by the European Union, an effective framework must be created as quickly as possible. If politicians do not act decisively now, the Green Deal will remain a vision and the EU's security of supply will be jeopardized.
The rapid implementation of the project H2EU+Store requires:
Legal security and investment certainty through substantial financial resources and funding from the EU and H2EU+Store neighboring countries for the development of renewable energy & electrolysis capacities in Ukraine and for repurposing/establishment of the necessary hydrogen transport pipelines and hydrogen storage infrastructure (hydrogen production and hydrogen customer storage) along the entire value chain, respectively.
Massive support for the H2Global program within the EU as well as a substantial increase of funding for this program.
A European legal framework for the recognition and trading of hydrogen certificates between EU member states as well as with third countries (such as Ukraine)
A European legal and regulatory framework for the hydrogen market and hydrogen infrastructure (both for blending and for 100% hydrogen infrastructure) that provides predictability and investment certainty for investors and includes incentives for existing infrastructure operators to convert to hydrogen. This European framework must take into account different starting points and business models at national level, but ultimately enable the rapid ramp-up of a European hydrogen economy.
Clear political recognition that blending hydrogen into existing natural gas transmission pipelines is desired and essential for market ramp-up
The creation of framework conditions for European and national hydrogen network planning to establish integrated network planning processes for gas and hydrogen.